Our fees. Simplified.
Here at VPTax everything we do boils down to either:
- Tax returns or
- Tax advice
Although these are not mutually exclusive activities, we price them differently and it works like this.
Tax Returns
You’ll be happy to know that in the world of VPTax our preparation of your tax return is not priced as an open-ended service. To us, tax return preparation is the delivery of a finished product. Consequently, VPTax will quote you a fixed fee for your tax return preparation with no “gotchas”.
We are able to quote returns instantly based on specific metrics. We’ll ask you to provide us with your:
- Revenues
- Expenses
- Number of legal entities
- Domestic and foreign
- Number of states in which you file
It’s our responsibility to properly quote on your tax returns and to perform the service profitably. As you can tell, we’re good at this.
Tax Advice
Tax advice is invoiced on an hourly basis at billing rates which are commensurate with the most appropriate level of experience of the VPTax professional.
Our billing rates are lower than big firm rates and are in line with most local accounting firms. As professional Tax Directors, our people have significantly more relevant experience than your traditional providers. We’ve done it many times before, which means we spend less time getting your answers.