

The part-time Tax Director model enabled Exponential to take advantage of the broad and deep corporate tax experience of the VPTax team, but at a lower cost level than the salary of a full-time staff Tax Director.

John Rettig, CFO says: “For Exponential, having an outsourced Tax Director is the right model. VPTax helped us get our heads around complex tax issues, and their support has enabled us to go from being reactive to being proactive on the tax front.” “VPTax has been on the other side of the fence, so they know how to do things efficiently and not waste time.”

“With VPTax, we’re able to make what outside advisers do more efficient and less costly.” “Too many companies don’t think about taxes until it’s too late to take full advantage of the opportunities. When a company is losing money early in its life, that’s the time to start thinking and planning for the longer-term tax situation. VPTax has unique experience and expertise and can be a valuable asset in that process.”

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